Hyde Park, NY 12538
Cell: 443-898-2141
Email: ssoifer@gmail.com
- Ph.D. The Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts Ph.D., 1988, Social Policy and Social Welfare
- M.S.W. George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri M.S.W., 1980, Direct Practice. Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio Clinical Psychology Program, 1979, Research, Testing and Theory
- B.S. Denison University, Granville, Ohio 1976, Psychology
- LCSW-C State of Maryland, 2013-2022
Academic Award/Distinction
- Placed on the Fulbright Specialist Award Roster for a period of 3 years (2018-2021) on behalf of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (E.C.A.) and World Learning Program (planned trip to Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia postponed due to COVID-19)
- Co-winner of the 1999 Late Dr. B.H. Mehta Award for the article “Social Work: A Profession in Search of a Paradigm,” by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Indian Journal of Social Work, 1999
- Nominated for the Richard Lodge Prize of the Adelphi School of Social Work for outstanding contributions to the development of social work theory for the article on “Social Work: A Profession in Search of a Paradigm” 1999
Community Distinction
- Japanese Toilet Association, Incentive Award in Writing/Research Category, 2023.
- TEDx University of Mississippi Talk, “Do Public Bathrooms Make You Nervous,” 2019
- University of Maryland School of Social Work Community Service Award, 1999-2000
Teaching Distinction:
- Nominated for University Teacher of the Year by the University of Washington School of Social Work, 1997
- Chosen to be one of six faculty members featured in the University of Washington video entitled “Teaching in the Diverse Classroom,” Spring 1991
Citations: 880
h-index: 12
i10-index: 15
- Macro Theory (Doctoral Seminar)
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Social Work
- Advanced Individual Practice with Adults
- Organizations and Communities
- Advanced Community Practice with Adults and Families
- Community Economic Development
- Community Organizing
- Macro Practice
- Racism and Diversity
- Social Action
- Action Research
- Social Planning and Social Change
- Liberation/Oppression Theory and Practice
- Planned Social Change
- Radical Social Work
- Social Policy and Income Security
- Social Policy and Social Services
- Social Work: A Profession for Change
- Social Work and Groups
- Social Work Macro Practice II
- Contemporary Social Problems
- Development of the U.S. Welfare State
- Introduction to Sociology
- Race and Class
- Introduction to Counseling Theories
- Introduction to Communities and Organizations
- Social Policy
- Manuscript Reviewer, Current Psychology, 2018 – 2021
- Manuscript Reviewer, Egyptian Journal of Social Work, 2016 – 2021
- Manuscript Reviewer, Columbia University Press, 2013 – 2021
- Manuscript Reviewer, Oxford University Press, 2012 – 2021
- Manuscript Reviewer, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 2011 – 2021
- Participant, Leadership Academy of Aging, Council on Social Work Education, 2014-15
- National Association of Deans and Directors, Council on Social Work Education, 2012-2016; 2020
- Member, Council on Social Work Education (C.S.W.E.) Annual Program Committee (A.P.M.) Corresponding Committee, 1998-2010
- Session Chair, CSWE APM Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (A.C.O.S.A.) Symposium, 1998 (could not attend due to conflict)
- Editorial Advisory Board, A Turbulent Voyage: Readings in African American Studies, 1998
- Chair, CSWE APM Jewish Issues Symposium, 1997
- Co-Coordinator, National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Community Practice Section, 1997
- Editorial Board, Journal of Community Practice, 1996 to 2012
- Reviewer, Allyn and Bacon, 1996 to 2007
- Panelist, NASW Conference Roundtable Discussion on the Implications of the 1996 Code of Ethics in Methods and Fields of Practice, 1996
- Task Force Chair, A.C.O.S.A. Strategic Planning Group, 1995 to 1998
- Session Chair, CSWE APM ACOSA Symposium, 1995
- Co-Convener, Jewish Faculty Associates/Black Social Worker’s Dialogue Group, 1995
- Chair, first CSWE APM Jewish Issues Symposium, 1993
- Reviewer, Journal of Urban Affairs, 19901992
- Roundtable Discussant, CSWE APM, to revise Cox, Erlich, Rothman & Tropman’s Strategies for Community Organization, 1990
- International Paruresis Association, Inc. Senior Advisor and Consultant, 2020 – present (slight compensation)
- American Restroom Association, Program Manager, 2023- present.
- International Paruresis Association, Inc. Co-founder and Nominal C.E.O., 1996-2020
- American Restroom Association, Co-founder and President, 2004- present.
- Human Sciences Institute, Vice-President, 2018-present
- Organizer and President, Idlewild Neighborhood Watch Association, 2016 – 2018
- Messick-Buntyn Neighborhood Association, Memphis University District, Lead Organizing Consultant, 2012-2018.
- BRIDGE Organizing Project, Consultant, August 2003 – 2005.
- Empower Baltimore, Consultant, October 2002 – May 2003.
- Affordable Housing Trust Fund Task Force, Coordinator, April 2002 – 2003.
- Community-Labor Coalition, UNITE (Union of Needle Trades, Industrial and Textile Employees, AFL-CIO, facilitator, 2001.
- National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Maryland Chapter, Consultant, 2000.
- Catholic Charities, Consultant, 2000.
- Charm City Land Trusts, Baltimore, Convener, Organizer, Board member, 1999 – 2012.
- Maryland ACORN, Consultant, 1999- 2005.
- Baltimore Institute for Jewish Communal Service (B.I.J.C.S.) Admissions Committee, 1999-2000.
- Comprehensive Housing Association, Inc. (CHAI), Consultant, 1999.
- Patapsco Heritage Greenway Committee, Consultant, 1999.
- Urban Forest Initiative, Consultant, 1999.
- Raising Awareness in Sentencing Equity (R.A.I.S.E) – Maryland, Co-founder, 1999.
- Fighters for the Lives of Youths, Consultant, 1998.
- Baltimore Paruresis Support Group, Founder, 1997-2012.
- Marylanders Acting Against Poverty Coalition. Co-founder, 1997.
- Maryland Coalition for Judicial Responsibility, Co-founder, 1997.
- Baltimore Neighborhood Collaborative, Inc. Consultant, 1997.
- Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland. Lecturer, 1996.
- Maryland Disabilities Action Coalition. Cofounder, 1995.
- Action for Disability Assistance Maryland. Cofounder, 1995.
- Disability and Assistance Loan Program (D.A.L.P.) Recipients group, Organizer, 1995.
- Maryland Food Committee, Baltimore, Maryland. Consultant, 1994.
- Seattle Housing Conference: A Community Dialogue, Seattle, Washington. Moderator, 1990.
- Puget Sound Legal Assistance Foundation, Tacoma, Washington. Consultant, 1990.
- Safe Streets, Tacoma, Washington. Consultant, 1990.
- Homestead Cooperative Land Trust, Seattle, Washington. Consultant, 1989-1990.
- Fair Budget Action Campaign, Seattle, Washington. Consultant, 1989.
- Center for Democratic Renewal, Seattle, Washington. Consultant, 1989.
- World for Women, Snohomish County, Washington. Consultant, 1989.
- Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, Seattle, Washington. Consultant, 1989.
- People of Color Against AIDS Conference, Seattle, Washington. Workshop trainer, 1989.
- Vermont New Jewish Agenda, Montpelier, Vermont. Cofounder and Cochair, 1986-1988.
- Vermont Coalition for Jobs, Peace and Justice, Montpelier, Vermont. Regional coordinator, 1982-1983.
- Central Vermont Unemployed Workers’ Council, Barre, Vermont. Co-coordinator, 1982-1983.
- Conference on Judaism in Rural New England, Montpelier, Vermont. Cofounder and Board member, 1981-1988.
- Student Ombudsmen Program, Cincinnati High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coordinator and trainer, 1978-1979.
- Office of U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum, Cincinnati, Ohio. Advocacy caseworker, 1978-1979.
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW), 1997- 2021
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA), Professional Member, 1997-2021.
- Association of Community Organization and Social Administration (A.C.O.S.A.), 1994-2021.
- Jewish Faculty Associates (J.F.A.), 1991-2010.
- Council on Social Work Education (C.S.W.E.), 1988-2020.
- World Future Society (W.F.S.), Professional Member, 1999-2004.
Steven Soifer
Ph.D., MSW
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Work Hudson Valley Satellite Campus, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (Jan. 2022-present)
- Professor, Department of Social Work School of Applied Sciences, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, (Sept. 2020 – May 2021)
- Chair and Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS (Jan. 2020 – Jun. 2020)
- Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Memphis, TN (Nov. 2016 – Dec. 2019)
- Chair, Department of Social Work, University of Memphis, TN (Aug. 2012 – Oct. 2016)
- Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland (1994-2012)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, (1994)
- Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, (1988- 1993)
- Adjunct Faculty Advisor, Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont, (1987 – 1988)
- Lecturer, Basic and Applied Social Sciences Department, Trinity College, Burlington, Vermont (1986 – 1988)Instructor, Community College of Vermont, Montpelier, Vermont (1981 – 1982)
Soifer, S. D., Zgourides, G., Himle, J, and Pickering, N. (2020). The secret social phobia: Paruresis or shy bladder syndrome (2nd edition). Baltimore: The International Paruresis Association. (3rd edition will be published in 2024).
Soifer, S. D., McNeely, J., Costa, C. & O’Brien, N. (2014). Community economic development and social work. New York: Columbia University Press.
Soifer, S.D. (2012). Shy Bladder Syndrome: An Update. Baltimore, MD: The International Paruresis Association.
Moyer, B., McAllister, J., Finley, M. L., and Soifer, S. D. (2002). Doing democracy: The M.A.P. model for organizing social movements. Gabriola Island, B.C., Canada: New Society Publishers
Soifer, S. D., Zgourides, G., Himle, J, and Pickering, N: (2001). Shy bladder syndrome: Your step-by-step guide to overcoming paruresis. Oakland: New Harbinger.
Soifer, S. D. (1991). The socialist mayor: Bernard Sanders in Burlington, Vermont. New York: Bergin & Garvey (an imprint of the Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.)
Soifer, S.D. (forthcoming). The Trump resistance movement: A MAP model. In J. McAllister. Still Doing Democracy. Human Science Institute.
Soifer, S.D. and McNeely, J. B. (2022). Community economic development. In Mizrahi, T. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work. Oxford University Press.
Soifer, S. D. and Albert, W. (2016). Treating social anxiety disorder in schools: The example of paruresis. In R.J. Waller (Ed.) (Pp. 282-301). Mental health promotions in school, Vol. 2. Oak Park, IL: Bentham Science Publishers.
Soifer, S. D. (2013). Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome: A weekend workshop. In J. Clements & L. Grobman (Eds.) Groupwork: New Days in the Lives of Social Workers, Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications. 113-116.
Soifer, S. D. (2012). Limited equity cooperatives. In A. T. Carswell (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd Ed., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 425-427.
Soifer, S. D. (2012). Community land trusts. In A. T. Carswell (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd Ed., Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 70-73.
Soifer, S.D. (2001). Overview of community economic development in social work. In A. Roberts & G. Greene (Eds.) Social Workers’ Desk Reference, New York: Oxford University Press. 557-562.
Soifer, S. D. (2001). Mobile home park lot “rent control”: A successful rural legislative campaign. In J. Rothman, J. Erlich, & J.E. Tropman (Eds.) Strategies of community intervention: Sixth edition. Itasca, IL: Peacock. 394-403.
Soifer, S. D. (1997). Racism and social welfare. In W. Devore and Fletcher, B.J. Human diversity content in social work education: A collection of course outlines with content on racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. Alexandria, VA: C.S.W.E.
Wenocur, S. & Soifer, S. D. (1997). Prospects for community organization. In M. Reisch & E. Gambrill (Eds.), Social work in the 21st century, pp. 198-208. Thousand Oaks, CA. Pine Forge Press.
Bradshaw, C., Soifer, S. D., Gutierrez, L. M. (1994). Toward a hybrid model for effective organizing in communities of color. In A. Faulkner, M. RobertsDeGennaro, and M. Weil (Eds.), Diversity and development in community practice (pp. 2541). Binghampton, N. Y.: The Haworth Press.
Refereed Articles
Soifer, S., Soifer, I., & Yang, P. (to be submitted for publication). Ten years later: New insights into paruresis.
Delavega, E., Lennon-Dearing, R., Neely-Barnes, S., Soifer, S., & Crawford, C. (2017). Engaged scholarship: A signature research methodology for social work. Journal of Social Work Education, 53(3), 568-576.
Abefa-Gyan, T., Barrett, J. & Soifer, S. (2012). Virtual organizational development and the history of the internet: A case study of parallel evolution. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(2), 295-301.
Soifer, S., Himle, J., & Walsh, K. (2010). Paruresis: (Shy Bladder Syndrome) – A Cognitive-behavioral treatment approach. Social Work in Health Care, 49(5), 494-507.
Soifer, S., Nicaise, G., Chancellor, M. & Gordon, D. (2009). C.N.E. – Paruresis or shy bladder syndrome: An unknown urologic malady? Urologic Nursing, 29(2), 87-93.
Hammelstein, P. & Soifer, S. (2006). Is shy bladder syndrome (paruresis) correctly classified as a social phobia? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 20(3): 296-311.
Vythilingum, B., Stein, D. J., Soifer, S. (2002). Is “shy bladder syndrome” a subtype of social anxiety disorder? A survey of people with paruresis. Depression and Anxiety, 16(2): 84-7.
Soifer, S.D. & Ziprin, R. (2001, January). Paruresis or shy bladder syndrome: The little-known social phobia. The Behavior Therapist.
Gutierrez, L., Fredricksen, K., and Soifer, S. D. (1999): Perspectives of social work faculty on diversity and societal oppression content: Results from a national survey. Journal of Social Work Education, 33 (3), 409-419.
Soifer, S. D. & Singer, J. (1999). The campaign to restore the Disability Assistance and Loan Program (D.A.L.P.) in the state of Maryland. Journal of Community Practice, 6(2), 1-10.
Soifer, S. D. (1999). Social work: A profession in search of a paradigm. Indian Journal of Social Work, 60(1), 37-55.
Soifer, S. D. (1998). Mobile home park lot “rent control”: A successful rural legislative campaign. Journal of Community Practice, 5(3), 25-37.
Soifer, S. D. (1998). A rural tenant organizing model: The case of TUFF-Vermont. Journal of Community Practice, 5(2), 1-14.
Bradshaw, C., Soifer, S. D., & Gutierrez, L. M. (1994). Toward a hybrid model for effective organizing in communities of color. Journal of Community Practice, 1(1), 2541.
Soifer, S. D. & Resnick, H. (1993). Prospects for social work cooperatives in the 1990s. Administration in Social Work, 17(3), 99116.
Almeleh, N. S., Soifer, S. D., Gottlieb, N., & Gutierrez, L. M. (1993). Women’s achievement of empowerment through activism in the workplace. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 8(1), 2639.
Soifer, S. D., Balassone, M. L., & Johnstone, J. (1992). Prospects for national health care in the United States. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 3(3), 117.
Soifer, S. D. (1991). Infusing content about Jews and about antisemitism into the curricula. Journal of Social Work Education, 27(2), 156167.
Soifer, S. D. (1990). The Burlington Community Land Trust: A socialist approach to affordable housing? Journal of Urban Affairs, 12(3), 237252.
Soifer, S. D. (1990). Socialism in Burlington, Vermont: Implications for social welfare. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 1(2), 4357.
Book Review
Soifer, S. D. (1996). Black Baltimore: A new theory of community, by Harold McDougall. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 7(2), 93-97.
McFerren, D. R. & Soifer, S.D. (2014). Executive summary: A call for collective action: tackling social challenges in Memphis,” The Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change, Memphis, TN.
Soifer, S. D. (2000). The evolution of the bathroom and its implications for paruresis. Baltimore: The International Paruresis Association, Inc.
Soifer, S., Zgourides, G., and Himle, J. (2000). Do you suffer from shy bladder syndrome? Baltimore: The International Paruresis Association, Inc.
Other Articles in Print
Soifer, S. D. & Greenwell, H. (2017, March 12). “Guest column: Memphis services for homeless need a drastic change. Commercial Appeal, Op-ed piece.
Soifer, S.D. (2014, July 20). “Guest column: Memphis must get grip on childhood poverty,” Commercial Appeal, Op-ed piece.
Soifer, S. D. & Rathke, W. (2010, October 12). “A foreclosure moratorium and other fixes for the housing market,” Baltimore Sun, Op-ed Piece.
Soifer, S. D. & Neumann, J. (2007, December 27). “Trading one evil for another,” The Baltimore Examiner, Viewpoint, p. 23.
Soifer, S. D. (2007, March 23). “Maryland legislature must pass bottle deposit bill,” The Baltimore Examiner, Op-ed piece.
Soifer, S. D. (2004, February 26). “Fairness vs. Phobias,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, Op-ed piece.
Soifer, S. D. & Povich, D. (2002, May 10). “Banking on the city’s poor,” Baltimore Sun, Op-ed piece, p. 23a.
Soifer, S. D. (2001, October 23). “Create affordable housing trust funds in Baltimore,” Baltimore Sun, Op-ed piece, p. 23a.
Soifer, S. D. & Ziprin, R. (1999). Q & A: My daughter has been diagnosed with paruresis. Family Urology, (3), 4, p. 1.
Soifer, S. D. (1998, Spring). New strides are being made in treating paruresis (shy bladder syndrome). ADAA Reporter, Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 9-12.
Soifer, S. D. (1992, March 1824). Viewpoint: How to tackle the issue of national health care. In These Times.
Soifer, S. D. (1987, May 10). The U.S. has a role to play in the Middle East (Commentary). Burlington Free Press (Burlington, VT).
Soifer, S. D. (1985, September 24). Reagan’s legacy (Readers write). Christian Science Monitor.
Soifer, S. D. (1985, September 1117). Community is possible (Book review). In These Times (Chicago, IL).
Soifer, S. D. (1982, August 5). Holes in Reagan’s economics (Commentary). Times Argus. (Barre-Montpelier, VT).
Soifer, S. D. (1982, July 1). Common Fears in the Middle East (Commentary). Times Argus. (Barre-Montpelier, VT)
I have done interviews on hundreds of radio stations and in dozens of newspapers, magazines, and T.V. stations around the world, including the T.V. show The Doctors, Wall Street Journal, Sunday New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Jerusalem Post, Langhe Zambia (Singapore), Time, Newsweek, U.S. News, U.S.A. Today.com, The Atlantic.com, Redbook, Men’s Health, Women’s World, Howard Stern (twice), Joan Rivers, the B.B.C., the Andrew Denton Show (Australia), New Zealand, Swedish Irish, and Italian Public radio stations, and many others.
From 1997 to the present, I have conducted over 160 workshops in 45 cities in 25 states and eight different countries for over 1000 unique clients and over 1400 total clients with the condition known as paruresis.
April 2021 “Trump Resistance Movement: An Application of the M.A.P. Model,” Southwestern Social Science Association 2021 Centennial Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (virtual presentation)
October 2019 “The Anti-Trump Resistance Movement: An Update Using a M.A.P. Analysis,” 48th Annual AL-MS Social Work Education Conference, Oxford, MS
September 2018 “Securing our Democracy: The Work Ahead.” Human Sciences Institute Retreat and Conference, Burlingame, CA.
June 2018 “Toilet Design Innovation in the U.S.” presentation at the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program (I.V.L.P.) for ten representatives from China on the topic of Public Hygiene and Health.
May 2018 | “The A.R.A. (American Restroom Association) and Toilet Design Innovation in the United States.” China’s National Tourism Administration, the Seminar on the Chinese Toilet Revolution, the 10th China International Tourism Commodities Fair. |
April 2018 | “The Anti-Trump Resistance Movement: A MAP Analysis,” the 6th Annual University of Memphis Social Work Symposium |
February 2018 | “The Anti-Trump Resistance Movement: A MAP Analysis,” N.E.D. talk, University of Memphis Library faculty presentations. |
October 2017 | “Still Doing Democracy: Finding Common Ground and Acting for the Common Good,” Human Sciences Institute, Salt Lake City, UT. |
October 2015 | “Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Work Participation in Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programs,” Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO. |
October 2014 | Panelist, “A Call for Collective Action: Tackling Social Challenges in Memphis,” The Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change, Memphis, TN. |
October 2014 | “The Benefits and Challenges of Nontraditional Field Placements in Social Work Education,” Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL. |
July 2013 | “Shy Bladder Syndrome (Paruresis): What Every Clinician Should Know About It,” World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, Lima, Peru (not presented due to last-minute conflict) |
November 2012 | “Enabled Scholarship: Sustainable Collaboration as the Holy Grail of Social Work Praxis,” Council on Social Work Education, Washington, D.C. |
April 2012 | “Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome: A Clinical Update,” Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Arlington, VA. |
March 2010 | “Shy Bladder Syndrome: Understanding the Mechanism of Paruresis,” Society of Urologic Nursing and Associates, Tampa, FL. |
December 2003 | Movement Action Plan (M.A.) Presentation at the Barbara Smith School for Social Change, Philadelphia, PA |
December 2003 | Major Speaker at the Annual Association of Medical Review Officers, Las Vegas, NV on Paruresis |
May 2002 | “Results from Paruresis Workshops Around the World,” American Psychiatric Association meeting, Philadelphia, poster session. |
March 2000 | “Paruresis: An Overview,” presentation at Masters’ Workshop on Social Phobias, 20th annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America conference (ADAA), Washington, D.C. |
March 2000 | Training for Clinicians working with Paruretics, ADAA, Washington, D.C. |
November 1999 | “Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome: What Every Clinician Should Know,” Clinical Roundtable, at the 33rd Association for Advancement in Behavioral Therapy (AABT) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada |
March 1999 | “Community Building,” presentation to Social Work Caucus of Washington County, MD. |
March 1999 | “Treating Paruresis or Shy Bladder Syndrome: What Every Clinician Should Know,” at the 19th annual ADAA National Conference, San Diego, CA |
July 1998 | “The Need for a New World Order: A Case for World Federalism,” at the Joint World Congress of the I.F.S.W. & the I.A.S.S.W., Jerusalem, Israel (Not presented due to lack of travel funds) |
March 1998 | “Working with Paruretic or Shy Bladder Clients: The Results of a Successful Workshop,” Poster Session, ADAA 18th National Conference, Boston, MA |
November 1997 | “Connecting with Communities: Guidance for Human Service Professionals,” panelist at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD |
October 1997 | “Community Organizing in the 21st Century,” luncheon speaker at the National Association of Social Workers Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD |
October 1997 | “Community Economic Development (C.E.D.): A New Tool for Social Work,” co-presenter at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD |
March 1997 | “Paruresis (Shy Bladder Syndrome): The Little Known Common Social Phobia,” at the ADAA 17th National Conference, New Orleans, LA. |
February 1997 | “Tenant Organizing: What Public Interest Lawyers Need to Know in Order to be Effective,” Antioch Law School Clinic, Washington, D.C. |
February 1996 | “Rural Community Organization Practice: A Case Example,” at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Washington, D.C. |
June 1995 | “Recovering from the Elections,” strategy roundtable discussion at the National Bertha Capen Reynolds Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA. |
January 1995 | “Mobile Home Park Lot Rent Stabilization,” public testimony before the Senate General and Housing Affairs Committee, Vermont State Legislature, Montpelier, VT. |
July 1994 | “Liberation/Oppression Theory and Practice,” workshop co-leader at the National Bertha Capen Reynolds Society Conference, Seattle, WA. |
January 1994 | “The Problems with Welfare Reform,” written testimony given to the House Health, Education, and Welfare Committee, Vermont State Legislature, Montpelier, VT. |
February 1993 | “Social Work Educators’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Teaching Practices About Infusing Content on Jews and the Problem of Antisemitism in Social Work Curricula,” at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, New York, N.Y. |
April 1991 | “Hate Crimes at the University of Washington,” to the Puget Sound Task Force on Human Rights, Seattle, WA. |
March 1991 | “Toward an Effective Organizing Model in Communities of Color,” Council on Social Work A.P.M. meeting, New Orleans, LA. (Not presented because of participants’ scheduling conflicts.) |
March 1990 | “The Infusion of Content on Jews as a Minority Group and the Problem of Antisemitism into Social Work Curricula,” at the Council on Social Work Education A.P.M. Meeting, Reno, NV. |
October 1989 | “The Relevance of Worker Cooperatives to Social Work,” at the National Association of Social Workers Conference, San Francisco, CA. |
April 1988 | “The Burlington Community Land Trust,” at a panel entitled The Possibilities and Limits of Municipal Socialism/Populism, New York State Political Science Association, Albany, N.Y. |
March 1988 | “From Personal Growth to Social Change,” colloquium presentation given to the faculty of Vermont College, Montpelier, VT. |
May 1987 | “Social Change Through the Electoral Process,” colloquium presentation at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. |
April 1987 | “The Prospects of Socialism in Vermont,” at a panel with Murray Bookchin and others, entitled Municipal Socialism: The Burlington, Vermont Experience, 5th Annual Socialist Scholars Conference, N.Y, N.Y. |
October 1986 | “Current Socialist Experience in Vermont,” given at the 4th Session of the Democratic Socialist Conference, Heller School, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. |
April 1986 | “Electoral Politics and Social Change,” given at the 3rd Annual Social Change Conference, Heller School, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. |
March 1986 | “On a Resolution for a Constitutional Amendment to Guarantee the Right to Employment at a Fair Wage,” testimony given before the House Government Operations Committee, Vermont State Legislature, Montpelier, VT. |
November 1985 | “Is New England Telephone’s 54 Percent Rate Hike Justifiable?” Testimony given before the Vermont Public Service Board, Barre, VT. |
Winter 2014 | National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (N.C.W.W.I.) grant, $735,000, not funded. |
Spring 2001 | Affordable Housing Opportunity Audit, Team Leader, “Study of Baltimore’s affordable housing situation,” $130,000, Baltimore Community Foundation, funded |
Spring 2000 | Community Revitalization Planning Grant |
University of Maryland, Baltimore and Maryland ACORN University-Community Partnership, Baltimore City’s Housing and Community Development Office under the Community Development Block Grant Program (C.D.B.G.), $194,000; not funded. | |
Spring 1991 | Graduate School Research Fund, University of Washington |
“Social Work Educators’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Teaching Practices Concerning the Infusion of Content About Jews and About Antisemitism into the Social Work Curricula”, $7,681; funded | |
Spring 1991 | School of Social Work Research Development Fund, University of Washington |
“Social Work Educators’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Teaching Practices Concerning the Infusion of Content About Jews and About Antisemitism into the Social Work Curricula,” $1,410; funded |
- Certificate Specialization Training, “Future Planning,” Coursera, 2021 – 2022.
LCSW- | State of Maryland, 2013-2022 |
- World Future Society Conference, “Introduction to the Study of the Future,” 1999.
- Industrial Areas Foundation (I.A.F.), ten-day community organizers and leaders training session, 1996.
- Faculty Development Institute, “Directing the B.S.W. Program: Issues and Opportunities,” CSWE APM, 1995.
- Midwest Academy week-long training session for community organizers, 1992.
2001-present Nonprofit Consultant
1992-1994 | Director of Community Organizing, Central Vermont Community Action Council, Barre, Vermont Supervised six staff and two M.S.W. social work interns organizing low-income tenants. Founded a statewide tenants’ group called Tenants United for Fairness Vermont (TUFFVT), consisting of 20 tenant associations representing 750 members. Worked with a 20-person board. Won major legislative victory on lot rent stabilization for mobile home park residents. Secured grants totaling $75,000. |
1983 | Milieu Therapist, Elmhill Group Home, Plainfield, Vermont Provided counseling to young people with emotional difficulties. |
1982 | Statewide Coordinator, Vermont Food Coalition, Montpelier, Vermont Coordinated food drives, festivals, and symposia. |
1980 – 1982 | Statewide Director, Vermont Alliance, Montpelier, Vermont Trained and supervised eight staff in seven regional offices for a statewide citizen action organization that helped empower 1000 low to moderate-income people. Researched and developed successful statewide campaigns on public housing fire safety codes and utility rate reform legislation. In Burlington, several Alliance members elected to the Board of Alderman and neighborhood groups played a role in Bernard Sanders’s mayoral victory in 1981. Wrote grants and helped secure foundation support for about $50,000. |
19791980 (M.S.W. practicum) | Clinician/Therapist, Community Mental Health Center, Granite City, Illinois Practiced individual, marital, and family therapy under supervision. Worked in an adult care program. |
1979 | Assistant to the Director, Cincinnati Institute of Justice, Cincinnati, Ohio Coordinated restitution program for juvenile delinquents. |
1977 – 1978 | Head Organizer, South Dakota ACORN (Association of Community Organization for Reform Now), Sioux Falls, South Dakota Trained and supervised six staff in three regional offices for an 800 low to moderate-income people’s organization. Placed lifeline utility rates and other measures on state ballot. Won many neighborhood victories, including preventing a school closing, forcing a local polluter to install pollution control devices, and winning federal Community Development Block Grant (C.D.B.G.) monies for poor neighborhoods. Secured a $40,000 Campaign for Human Development (CHD) grant for the organization. |
1976 – 1977 | Regional/Community Organizer, Texas ACORN, Dallas Fort Worth, Texas Organized a 100-person Chicano-American neighborhood group in Dallas. Directed Fort Worth regional office, supervised several staff, and maintained five neighborhood groups with 400 members. Helped engineer electoral takeover of Fort Worth’s mayoral office and city council by progressive candidates. |
1976 | Campaign Organizer, American Friends Service Committee (A.F.S.C.), Dayton, Ohio Worked on their Stop the B1 Bomber campaign. |
1974-1976 (Summers) | Group Counselor/Supervisor, Samuel Field YMYWHA, Little Neck, New York Worked with groups of inner-city youth having serious behavioral problems. Supervised five counselors. |
- Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2020-21
- Dean’s Chairs’ Advisory Committee, 2020
- Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2017- 2018
- Chair, Social Work Department Search Committee, 2017-18
- Chairs, Directors, and Deans Meeting (with Provost), University of Memphis, 2012-2016
- Chairs and Directors Meeting (with Dean), College of Arts and Sciences (C.A.S.), 2012- 2016
- School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy (S.U.A.P.P.) Executive Committee, 2012- 2016
- Dean’s Advisory Committee, College of Arts and Sciences (C.A.S.), 2012-2013
- Chairperson: Management and Community Organization (MACO) Concentration, 1995-2000, 2011 – 2012
- Chairperson and Co-Chairperson: Social and Community Development (SACD) Specialization, 1995 – 2012
- Co-chair, Kathleen Walsh Dissertation Committee, 2010
- Chairperson: Faculty Executive Committee and Social Work Faculty Meetings, 1997 – 1999
- Faculty Executive Committee, 1995-1997
- Coordinator: MSW/JD Dual Program, 1996 – 2002
- Member: Dean of Social Work’s Decanal Review Committee, 1999
- Management and Community Organization (MACO) group member, 1994- 2012
- Master’s Program Committee (M.P.C.) member, 1995-1998, 2004-2012
- Faculty Search Committee, 1996
- Field Liaison, Liaison responsibilities for students at different agencies, 1994-2012
- Faculty Review Committee, 2004 – 2012
- Social Work Outreach and Community Service (S.W.C.O.S.) Faculty Advisory Committee, 2004 – 2006
- Faculty Senate, 1995-1997, 2001-2003, 2011-12
- Student Review Committee, 1996-1998
- Tikkun, Jewish Social Workers’ Group, Co-founder, 1996-2001
- American Association of University Professors (A.A.U.P.) chapter co-founder, 1996-2000; President-elect: 1999
- Field Coordinator: Community Organization, 1994-1998
- Co-organizer, Si Kahn Concert,1997
- Coordinator, Baltimore Empowerment Zone evaluation grant, 1996
- Strategic Plan Update Committee, 1995
- Founder, Intercampus Jewish Organization, 1995
- Organizer, Bertha Capen Reynolds Society chapter, 1995
- Co-founder, Jewish Faculty, Student, and Staff group, 1995
- Executive Committee, Faculty Senate, 1991-1992
- Macro Practice Planning Group, 1991-1992
- Organizer, Visit by Dr. Frederick Lazin, Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, to talk on “Social Welfare Policy in Israel: Health, Education, and Welfare.” 1991
- Faculty Senator, 1990-1992
- Co-Organizer, University of Washington lecture by Barbara Ehrenreich, noted feminist author and journalist, on her book “The Worst Years of our Lives: Irreverent Notes from a Decade of Greed,” attended by several hundred people, 1990
- Co-Organizer, Bertha Capen Reynolds Society Forum, “From Ideas to Action: Progressive Social Work in our Community,” 1990
- Consultant, Social Work students “I.S.M.s” group, 1990
- Facilitator, Planned Social Change Group. 1989-1991
- Cochair, Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Curriculum Planning and Faculty Hiring Task Force, 1989-1991
- Admissions Committee, 1989-1991
- Cofounder, University of Washington Jewish Faculty Group, 1989-1991
- Cochair, Social Policy Planning Group, 1989-1990
- Community and Organizational Services Concentration Practicum Committee, 1989-1990
- Cofounder, Bertha Capen Reynolds Society Chapter, 1989
- Consultant, Disabled Student Social Workers Group, 1989
- Organizer, Hate Crimes in the Northwest Forum, 1989
- Social Change Conference Planning Group, 1989
- Community and Organizational Services Concentration Group, 1988-1991