Steven Soifer, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant, International Paruresis Association Inna Soifer, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Culinary Institute of America

Research studies in the field of paruresis have recently been growing. As of this writing,  there is a relatively large number of peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject and several books.

The most comprehensive literature review appears in Soifer et al. (2020). Since then, another handful of articles have appeared.

 Up-to-date literature review

(Review current articles).

Previous research  on workshops for people with paruresis

In 20xx), Soifer, Himle, and Walsh published an article on the results from weekend workshops held for people with paruresis from xxxx to yyyy. In short, (brief summary).

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Current results from the workshop for people with paruresis

This article is an analysis of data obtained from a weekend workshop held in 2007 recently. (Results)





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